Ezel Moon
Jan 19, 2022
A Frank Conversation with TT McGil
A Frank Conversation with @t.t._mcgil
This was amazing. I had the honor of interviewing author and doctor @t.t._mcgil we not only discussed her “Sparrow” Series but we also hit on how a marriage stays together, endorsing the creativity in the next generation, and philanthropy.
Check out her books at www.ttmcgil.com Link in her bio!
Charity Chosen: @givehopehelp listen nation I need you guys to throw some support behind this charity they are helping women in domestic violence situations!
This conversation was sponsored by @renaissance599essentialsllc check out their products and drop a review with me!
To view this live broadcast visit here https://www.instagram.com/tv/CY7ygbFuAoo/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D